Telecom Solutions

Network Audit

Telecom Solutions

RedMango consultants as an individuals have vast experience of delivering cellular benchmarking campaigns in MEA, SEA regions and Sri Lanka.

RedMango is the Leading Mobile Network Benchmarking Solution provider in India, providing services to all top operators.

Benchmarking Campaigns Covering

  • 100+ Benchmarking cities in India/Year
  • 1.5 Million+ Kilometers o City routes
  • 25K kilometers of Railway routes
  • 3000+ In-building/hotspot locations
  • 1000 kilometers of Metro routes

Over 2Billion+ Benchmarking samples collected

Benchmarking Campaigns carried out for all top operators in India

RedMango follows methodology which replicates user experience.

We Measure where customers go

Test routes & location selected using customers demographic

  • Drive test based outdoor bencmarking
  • Walk test based outdoor bencmarking
  • Walk test based Indoor bencmarking

We Measure what customer do

Active test cases selected using customer behavior patterns

  • MOS based voice quality tests for calls on each operator
  • HTTP Downloading & Browsing test with popular websites
  • Video streaming & latency test for gaming & applications

We Measure things at times customers do them

Test sequences and times selected using peak traffice time

  • Indoor test done during pffice hours, malls during weekends
  • Highways & subways measured during rush hours
  • Video streaming & latency test done during busy hours

Customer experience is Benchmarked
across all customer touchpoints

  • Data collected in the right areas! - Most indoor and outdoor locations are covered
  • Actual subscriber experience is captured! - From their own handsets… The operator can distribute software to own high value customers
  • Competitive performance can be measured across multiple customer metrics such as - Handset, Location, Operator & Service
  • Additional experience such as Roaming & battery life experience can also be measured
  • All analysis is automated and available for all stakeholders in easy to understand customizable web-based dashboards
  • VAS - • VAS Audit • Smartapps analysis from AppAnnie
  • Drill down capability with layer 3 analysis possible for problem spots.
  • Network - Drive test based layer 3 data • Probe based data • Network KPIs
  • Billing - • Billing Audit • CDR Analysis
  • Customer Care - • Customer Care Audit • Care KPIs
  • Roaming - • Roaming Experience Benchmark using mobile agents • Data from 3rd Party roaming applications like roam ware
  • Provisioning - • Provisioning Audits • Provisioning KPIs
  • Smartphone - • Smartphone based benchmarking using mobile agents • Battery life benchmark

Smartphone based Customer Experience

The RedMango solution measures touchpoint based customer experience across all top Android and iOS smartphones.

Why? - Because the customer’s experience is greatly dependent on device type. Regardless of network KPIs, the customer experience is different.

Location based Customer Experience

The RedMango CE solution measures touchpoint based customer experience across both indoor and outdoor locations; with samples from actual customer handsets

Why? - Because measurements that do not include locations where customers spend the most time are false representations of customer experience.

Service based Customer Experience

Our solution measures Customer KPIs for each service provided to the customer. Customer KPIs are designed with thresholds dictated by customer expectations from each service.

Why? - Because measuring throughput for YouTube is not indicative of customer experience unless resolution and delay are accounted for

360° Customer experience
- Battery Life experience on Different smartphones & Networks

360° Customer experience - VAS,Provisioning & Customer Care Experience

VAS Touchpoint - Facebook, twitter, bookmyshow & Cricinfo experience

Provisioning Touchpoint - Recharge, Activation & De-activation experience

Customer Care Touchpoint - Subjective and Objective Customer care experience.

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